Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 4 - Young Hye

This week was majorly uneventful.
I spent some time with physicists at Stich radiation center, watching them designing treatment plans based on simulation CT scans. Since I spent a great deal of time in Stich last week, I was able to understand the processes better.
Other than that, I spent most of the week working on the project. Dr Vahdat has been super helpful in that she would put aside her work and help me find patient information such as height, weight (together which gives us BMI), DFS (disease free survival), OS (overall survival), etc. It was surprisingly hard to find these pieces of information, because a lot of the records in the past werent as detailed as we hoped. However, based on what I've got so far, I saw a very interesting trend; both DFS and OS of obese patients are significantly lower than those of lean patients.

Friday I came back to Ithaca for a friend's wedding. I attended our monthly videoconference between our lab and Drs Vivek Mittal, Barbara Hempstead, and Shahin Rafii's at WCMC. This collaboration was set a couple years ago as part of NCI's PS-OC (Physical Sciences Oncology Center) Cornell chapter. We briefly discussed experiments that I'll be running next week in Dr Mittal's lab.

Next week should be more interesting, since I may have access to Epic, watch Dr Schwartz's surgeries, and run those experiments discussed over the videoconference.

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